The value evaluation in criminal litigation argues the fact finders how to weigh the conflict of interests and make the choices in accordance with certain procedures and methods. 刑事诉讼价值权衡,就是由裁判者依据一定程序和方法对冲突的利益确定其轻重而进行的衡量与选择活动。
Investigation is an important part in modern criminal litigation procedures. 侦查是现代刑事诉讼程序一个重要构成部分。
Emphasizing particularly on the adjective law in criminal litigation procedures and the features and functioning of judicial power, the paper advances the characteristic value of the inner conviction system and the tentative plan to establish modern inner conviction system in our country. 侧重从刑事诉讼过程的程序法学视角以及司法权的特征和运作机理方面,提出现代自由心证制度的价值表征,并且为我国构建现代自由心证制度提出设想。
The system of search without warranty in the modern criminal litigation includes the systems of Attached search 、 Consent Search and Emergent Search, and contains abundant knowledge about theories and procedures. 现代刑事诉讼中的无证搜查制度是由附带搜查、同意搜查、紧急搜查等制度构成的有机联系的整体,包含着丰富的理论学说和程序内容。
Therefore, perfection the function of summary procedure in the criminal litigation procedures, when considered the limited juridical resources, is an optimal balance between the two core values: judicial fairness and the judicial efficiency. 因此,完善简易程序在刑事审判中的功能,是在有限的司法资源中使司法公正和司法效率这两个核心价值得到最大程度的平衡。
Secondly, the Criminal litigation value of the three perspectives, namely, to explain procedures in criminal defense in the meaning and value. First, the respondent the value of procedural justice program is to achieve the dominant position of the defendants. 答辩程序在刑事诉讼中的意义和价值,表现为以下三个方面:首先,答辩程序对程序公正的价值在于实现被告人的诉讼主体地位。
As a part of the criminal litigation, the criminal retrial procedure plays an important position in it, It is also called "extraordinary relief program"、" error correction program"、 and" special procedures ". 刑事再审程序作为刑事诉讼的一部分,在刑事诉讼中占有重要地位,也被称为非常救济程序、纠错程序和特别程序。